Sunday 21 December 2014

Church of Our Lady of Guadelupe, Puerto Vallarta

Open daily, the Church of Our Lady of Guadelupe is one of Puerto Vallarta's most endearing landmarks. The elaborate crown at the top of the building is "allegedly designed to resemble a tiara worn by one of Emperor Maimilian's mistresses".

The Processions in December to the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Festivities and processions during the first twelve days of December each year involve tens of thousands of Puerto Vallarta inhabitants and visitors, who pay homage to commemorate the appearance of the Virgin Mary to the peasant Juan Diego on December 12, 1531. According to tradition, the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was imprinted on the cloak of Juan Diego and to this day it is on display in Mexico City at the Basilica of Guadalupe which was constructed at  the site of the miraculous appearance. Hundreds of local PV businesses, unions neighbourhoods and organizations and their employees parade from their place of employment through the streets of Puerto Vallarta during the Celebrations of Our Lady of Guadalupe and end up at the local Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

More Images from the Malecon